Giving Christmas

Every year we adopt a family through Giving Christmas – Sioux Falls, SD on Facebook. With the generous hearts of all of our members and staff, we have been able to bless 22 children with gifts they wouldn’t have otherwise received. And we are doing it again this year!
To participate – we have ornament tags hanging on the tree at the studio.
- Take a gift tag off the tree. KEEP IT.
- Purchase the item and tape the tag on the item.
- Bring the item back to the studio with the tag taped to it.
- Return the item no later than December 20, 2024.
Family #1 – Single Mom of 6 Children
Single mom of 6 kids ranging in age from 8 months to 17 years old. Mom has been battling health problems all year, including an unplanned early delivery and extended NICU stay for her youngest son who was born in March.
Child 1- Boy 17 Years Old
Enjoys working on things outside with friends during the winter months, likes the Dallas Cowboys.
T-shirt & pant size Adult Large / XL.
Shoe size 13.
Child 2- Girl 13 Years Old
She’s 100% all girl. Loves makeup, lotions, etc.
Her favorite color is black.
T-shirt & pant size Adult Medium.
Child 3- Girl 12 Years Old
Just starting to get into the girly things.
T-shirt & pant size Adult Small / Medium.
Shoe size 8.
Child 4- Girl 4 Years Old
Girly girl. She’s tall and skinny.
Her favorite color is pink
T-shirt & Dress Size 6/7
Pant Size 5/6 Slim
Shoe size 11.
Child 4- Girl 3 Years Old
Loves Disney Princess and Barbie.
Her favorite color is pink.
T-shirt & Dress Size 5/6
Pant Size 4/5
Shoe size 9/10
Child 4- Boy 6 Months Old
Clothes Size 18 Months
Diapers Size 3 (Pampers Only)
Family #2 – Single Mom with 2 Boys
Single mom who recently moved to Sioux Falls from Washington state to escape a domestic violence situation. She works in childcare and loves being able to see her kiddos every single day.
Child 1 – 5 Year Old Boy
Super into puzzles, in fact that is all he has asked for is puzzles for Christmas! Loves Superman and Batman, but really any superhero.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite movies / characters: Spiderman / Batman
Shirt Size – Boys Small
Pant Size – Boys Small
Shoe Size – Toddler 13 or Boys 1
Child 2 – 3 Year Old Boy
Favorite color: Orange or Green
Shirt Size – 4/5T
Pant Size – 4/5T
Shoe Size – Toddler 9/10